South African Hotels

Swakopmund Plaza Hotel Reviews & Information

Use the drop down below to find out more information about Swakopmund Plaza Hotel.

Below detailed information about the Swakopmund Plaza Hotel is available.
For any queries regarding this hotel, you are welcome to contact us.


Check in and Check Out Times
  • Check in: 15:00
  • Check out: 10:00
General Services
  • 24 - hour reception service
  • Airport transfers
  • Free Wireless Internet
  • Individual climate controlled room

Available Rooms

Comfort Room

Family Unit

Plaza Suite

Junior Suite

Standard Room



GPS Co-Ordinates

Latitude: -22.679856

Longitude: 14.527299


Directions from Henties Bay:

On the C34 from Henties, you will pass three traffic circles driving into Swakopmund, make sure that you stay straight on the C34 until you reach the 3rd traffic light leading you into the main road, Sem Nujoma Avenue.

Turn “right” at this traffic light onto “Sam Nujoma Avenue”.
At the next traffic light turn “left” onto “Nathaniel Maxuilili street.”
At the second turn off and a four-way stop turn “right” onto “Libertina Amathila Avenue.”
You will see Floordeck on your right and next to Floordeck is Swakopmund Plaza Hotel.

Directions from Windhoek:

From the B2, travelling from Windhoek, you will directly connect onto “Sam Nujoma Avenue” and reach a traffic light. Drive straight from the traffic light until you reach the second traffic light.
At the next traffic light turn “left” onto “Nathaniel Maxuilili street.”
At the second turn off and a four-way stop turn “right” onto “Libertina Amathila Avenue.”
You will see Floordeck on your right and next to Floordeck is Swakopmund Plaza

Directions from Walvisbay:

From the B2 travelling from Walvisbay, you will directly connect onto “Nathaniel Maxuilili street”.
At the third street “Libertina Amathila Avenue” turn left, you will see Floordeck on your right and Swakopmund Plaza Hotel next to Floor-deck.

Car Rental

A car rental service is available. To receive a quote or arrange car rental booking, please click the button below.

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On site parking facilities are provided for guests.

Star Rating

4 Star